As I sit to write, I am aware that months have whipped by. My last entry was March…and now it is September. I ask myself …“How does 6 months come & go so quickly?” My plan this year was to take time out each month to write, to muse, to ponder aloud on this page. Something I so wanted to do, but life has crowded it out.
So today, I am choosing to stop and take a bit of time to reconnect with this place in me. I hope to draw out a few of my ponderings.
A Jigsaw Puzzle
I reckon that our lives are like a Jigsaw puzzle. God sees the final picture, and often he gives us glimpses of what that picture will look like when displayed in our lives. Sometimes that glimpse comes through a prophetic word. Yet the pieces still need to be added to reveal that image.
Bit by bit, step by step, as we follow God, he adds the Jigsaw pieces to our lives. Sometimes these pieces come via the people in our world, sometimes via our choices and other times they are divine encounters with Jesus himself. So many things form this jigsaw puzzle, our struggles, our delights, small pieces, large pieces, and uniquely shaped ones too. Every piece has a designated place in our jigsaw, when joined together they will complete this image of love.
The jigsaw of our lives, is an expression of the love of God. His plan for our jigsaw is good! He sees a complete image, that can only be fulfilled with his love infused into every piece of the puzzle. The image he sees for your jigsaw puzzle is seen through his eyes of love. Will you let him form your jigsaw puzzle? Will you let him complete the work that he has begun? Will you let him place the pieces? He so wants to be a part of your completed image.